About this website
This website has been developed and is maintained by patients who attend the quarterly PPG Network meetings on behalf of their practice's PPGs.
It aims to:
- Extend the 'patient voice' in healthcare decision-making by enabling more patients than can attend PPG Network meetings to get involved.
- Provide a central place where patients can access recent publications and background information that is relevant to Network and Practice PPG members.
- Enable discussions and exchange of ideas to take place in between PPG Network meetings by providing online Forums.
To participate in the Forums patients need to be registered with this website. To apply for registration click HERE
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Specific benefits of having a FORUM
- PPG Network members can raise issues and get feedback from other members in between meetings. Quarterly meetings can mean urgent issues have to wait too long before members can respond.
- Issues raised in the forum could be the basis for agenda items for the next meeting of the Network. If members have already ‘debated’ an issue online, the time needed in the meeting to reach a decision about further action, if any, could be reduced.
- Having an online forum could also extend the ‘patient voice’ as more than the two nominated PPG members per practice PPG could participate in discussions. Although in principle they can at the moment, having to wait for the next practice PPG meeting to discuss an issue raised at a Network meeting and then wait for the next Network meeting to feedback responses means a very long response time.